10,000 visitors in a month
This must be a special day for me, why? because one of my site barely just hit their first 5 digits number in visitors. For your information this achievement is only for 1 month. Some of you might not surprised with this number especially you who already achieve 10,000 visitors a day, may be?? :)
For me, who start building website and try monetize them with ads from google adsense or other, this number means much. First, this means that my site already "accepted" by audience. Secondly, this is new hope for to go forward to be a pro webmaster in the world although I don't have enough skill for that, but I committed to learn. Third, this is an extra injection for me to update routinely, bring the newest and most fresh idea, and of course improve the look of my site.
Yippi kai yai, said Bruce Willys
Eureka said Sir Arthur Newton
Alhamdulillah .... said Kholid Fuadi :)
8:40 AM
I also have awebsite and just 1100 visitors after one month of buying domain.