Earn money from internet, why not?
Its been long time a go since my last post in this personal blog. Counted since I’ve go home (mudik) to Madiun with my familiy. Now, here… I back to Jogja where we stand right now. If I tell you all of my story, maybe this blog wouldn’t enough …. But I can tell you some.
From now on, I might lossed my consentration on forex trading and have changed little to blog, web, seo and job vacancy? Yes I want to optimize my knowledge on internet industry. I want to get rich from this business, hopefully )
One of my biggest problem is the internet connection fees which is still expensive to me eventhough I’m using Telkom Speedy. It’s still expensive. But it’s ok, I won’t give up, I’ll keep trying to reach my financial freedom and completing this journey till the end.
10:33 AM
Ada temen nawarin bisnis internet dialamat ini www.muslimpromo.com/?ref=2611 ...benar gak sih bisnis beginian?