The New Comers in Gadjah Mada University
Gadjah Mada University under attacked! This is one of hot topics surrounding GMU right now. Especially they who believe "Asyhadu An Laa Ilaaha Illallahu, Wa Asyhadu Anna Muhammadar Rosuulullah".
As we know, GMU students as they now in active era (17th - 25th years) who begin to think logically and rationally and also start to learn how to interact each other socially. Not surprisingly if we see a lot of community here build by their own emphasis and unite the same interest in one organization, i.e Academics based community, hobby/interest based community, religion community etc.
This community build and developed well here because they have same goals, to develop their intellectual property and of course no vandalism, no brutality and no religion contrary inside.
This year, GMU has one new comer, and this new comer community judged "against law" and "against religion" based. Their member spread from one faculty to another faculty, and they have no different physical attributes with regular people. So if we dont pay attention well, we will not see them.
Just because of friends request, today I interview the "member". And until now I see no thread from his community to us. They just believe what they believe, nothing more! So, like Gus Dur said "let it go... as long as he don't do something against rules and don't make someone else hurted or injured, let it go... "Gitu aja kok repot". Ok Gus, I'll follow you, Just let them believe what they believe! Don't over judged!
1:00 PM
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